Mi historia

Cree en tus sueños”

Mike Coner, de 20 años, es un prometedor cantante y compositor Colombo-Venezolano que hace música de reguetón con un sonido internacional, incorporando influencias del rap, dancehall e hip-hop.

Comenzó a cantar y bailar en su preadolescencia, luego rapeó y escribió mientras interpretaba música original en clubes. Mike lanzó su primer EP, Destino o casualidad, junto con singles este año (2022) en colaboración con el sello discográfico canadiense, You are not alone records.

Mike, que vive en la frontera de Venezuela y Colombia, comenzó a cantar en la iglesia a los cuatro años, recordando lo conmovido que estaba por su madre y su sonrisa cálida y amorosa mientras cantaba entre la multitud. Siguió la composición de canciones y comenzó a actuar.

Más tarde, se encontró soñando con una vida mejor cuando se vio obligado a vivir en las calles en su adolescencia. Durante este momento difícil, nunca olvidó su voz ni sus sueños y canalizó emociones profundas en sus letras para ayudarlo a continuar y salir de su lamentable situación.

En sus canciones, Mike da vida a la belleza del profundo vínculo entre dos amantes, después de haber experimentado el tipo de amor joven que incendia nuestros corazones, así como la angustiosa oscuridad que sigue al naufragio amoroso. Mike lleva su alma, invitando al oyente a sumergirse en un mundo de romance y las duras realidades de la vida que nos conmueven a todos.

Mike ha desarrollado su propio estilo de música y no para de ofrecernos todo de si, ya que filmó videos oficiales para varias de sus canciones que muestran su letra y voz sinceras junto con su impecable sentido de la vestimenta. Entrega líneas con una cadencia pegadiza y emocional, resonando con determinación e intuición en las que se ha centrado a través de sus experiencias de vida. La música de Mike trata sobre la vida. La lucha, la sensualidad y la esperanza en su música sea sentida ya la vez bailable.

A raíz de su EP y singles recién lanzados, han habido olas de recepción en sus plataformas de redes sociales con muchos seguidores en TikTok (3.1M), Instagram (102K), Youtube (21.7K)  and Facebook (498K). Recientemente transmitió en vivo una de sus canciones con Micro TDH, uno de sus ídolos musicales e inspiración. Micro TDH vibra con la canción de Mike, "Ya no", dando su elogio y coincidiendo con el mensaje de Mike que está escrito por el destino: "Hermano, nada en la vida es casualidad si no por cosas del destino". El lindo joven artista parece estar impulsado por las propias estrellas. No muestra signos de desaceleración y continúa impresionando e inspirando al mundo con su música y espíritu.

Believe in your dreams”

Mike Coner, age 20, is an up-and-coming Columbian-Venezuelan singer and songwriter making reggaeton music with an international sound, incorporating rap, dancehall and hip-hop influences.

He started singing and dancing in his pre-teens, later rapping and writing as he performed original music in clubs. Mike released his first EP, Destino o Casualidad, along with singles this year (2022) in collaboration with the Canadian record label, You Are Not Alone Records.

Living on the border of Venezuela and Colombia, Mike started singing in church at four years old, recalling how moved he was by his mother and her warm and loving smile as he would sing into the crowd. Songwriting soon followed and he began performing.

Later, he found himself dreaming of a better life when he was forced to live on the streets in his teens. During this hard time, he never forgot his voice or his dreams and channeled deep emotions into his lyrics to help carry on and get out of his unfortunate situation.               

In his songs, Mike brings to life shimmering beauty of the deep bond between two lovers, having experienced the kind of young love that sets our hearts on fire, as well as the harrowing darkness that follows amorous wreckage. Mike bears his soul, inviting the listener to dive into a world of romance and the harsh realities of life that move us all.                     

Mike has developed his own style of music and doesn't fail to deliver the full package, having filmed official videos for several of his songs showcasing his signature heartfelt lyrics and voice along with his impeccable sense of dress. He delivers lines with a driving and emotional cadence, resonating with determination and intuition that he's homed in on through his life experiences. Mike's music is about life. Struggle, sensuality, and hope one Mike's music are heartfelt while simultaneously danceable.

In the wake of his newly released EP and singles, there have been waves of reception on his social media platforms with hefty followings on TikTok (3.1M), Instagram (102K), Youtube (21.7K) and Facebook (408K). He's recently live-streaming one of his songs with Micro TDH, one of his musical idols and inspiration. Micro TDH vibes to Mike's song, "Ya No", giving his praise and agreeing with Mike's message that is written by destiny: " My friend, nothing in life happens by change if not for things of destiny". The handsome young artist seems to be propelled by the stars themselves. He shows no signs of slowing down and continues to impress and inspire the world with his music and spirit.

press America del norte


"Mike Coner is only 18 years old, yet making an impact in the industry with talent comparable to music's elite. Versatile across musical genres blending hip-hop, reggaeton, and dancehall, Mike Coner is the next chapter in urban latin's legacy"


"Take a young Colombian with a clear and pure voice, catchy beats, hard-hitting lyrics, and a dose of romance. What happens if you mix all these elements? Mike Coner, a promise of Latin urban music"


"In the vibrant tapestry of the music industry, where artists emerge from the depths of obscurity to captivate the world with their unique sounds, one name is on the brink of superstardom: Mike Coner"


"Mike has meticulously honed his craft, seamlessly blending the rich tapestry of Colombian and Venezuelan musical influences with the raw essence of hip-hop"


"The Revelation of the Frontier"


"Mike Coner's music is perfect to be played by DJs on dance floors and added to playlists around the USA and by countries that explore and spread Latin urban"

press america del sur

press Europa

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